Sprung Freres Paris Pour Hommes Curly Astrakan Fur Car Coat . Size 50. One of a kind coat from the finest of Astrakan hides. Horn buttons. Notched collar, convertible flap pockets, and fully lined. Sprung Freres is the oldest furrier in Paris.
Astrakhan has always been a luxurious fur: far more expensive than most sheepskins. When the Shah of Persia was crowned in 1914 they used an astrakhan hat when the official crown was too heavy. A few years later Warren G. Hardings wife, the First Lady of the US, purchased an astrakhan coat for the phenomenal price of 6000 GBP (and this at the same time that the Hartnell wedding dress she wore cost just 53GBP!). There are many levels of quality of astrakan with the shiniest being the highest quality. This coat is exquisite in the quality of the fur.
Easily worn by a woman, size 12-14